I have known for some time that the works of Derek Raymond (real name Robert William Arthur Cook) are difficult to come by, but only now, after completing the fourth book in his celebrated Factory quintet, have I perhaps understood […]
Derek Raymond’s How The Dead Live
Derek Raymond’s Factory series has the grim allure of a corpse. No matter how many times I turn the final page of one of these books, eager to escape the blight and despair of England’s criminal underworld in the 1980s, […]
Derek Raymond’s The Devil’s Home On Leave
I had to search out the second novel in Derek Raymond’s Factory series, for though the whole pentalogy was reissued at the start of the last decade, it has once again fallen out of print. That should not be taken […]
Derek Raymond’s He Died With His Eyes Open
Crime and detective fiction have never been of particular interest to me, but the late British writer Derek Raymond – real name Robert William Arthur Cook – has been recommended by so wide a variety of authors that I felt compelled […]